Sunday, October 26

Japan Telecom invented power generation shoes

Japanese telecom giant NTT invented a new shoe that allows people to walk and charge a cell phone, iPod, and other electronics at the same times.

This water-filled soles of shoes connected with a small generator . While walking , The pressure that the soles beared can make the generators produce about 1.2 watts of power. He said that the electricity generated by keeping moving on and on is enough to allow the iPod music player to operate uninterrupted.

In addition, the company is trying to study on how to increase power generation up to 3 watts.This power just is general mobile phones's need .

Although the shoes that do not have the storage function, but as long as the users of mobile phones will link up with the shoes and keep walking, the phone can automatically charge can be used directly.

NTT hopes in 2010 the new generation of shoes will formal launch


Anonymous,  October 29, 2008 at 10:14 AM  

Well, well well isn't that interesting. I think we should start looking at all venues for alternative or self-generated fuel/power. Sounds like this is a great headstart to be new and inventive.

Sophie November 3, 2008 at 6:01 PM  

Yes,there are many new inventions to protect environment.Just like the "environmental protection motorcycle"