Monday, December 15

Garmentech - Intl clothing machinery trade fair from Jan 13

8th international Garment & Allied Machinery and Accessories trade show is going to be held on 13-16 January 2009 at Bangladesh China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka. Zakaria trade and fair international of Bangladesh and Zak Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. of India is jointly organizing this mega event attracting more than 250 international companies all over the world and expecting draw attention of more than 30000 visitors from Dhaka & neighboring region.

ZAK Garmentech Bangladesh has emerged as the premier international Apparel Technology Trade Show of Bangladesh. It has served as an ideal platform for the Bangladesh apparel industry to update and upgrade their technology.

Mr. Tipu Sultan, General Manager of Zakaria trade and fair international said “ Our country’s main export product is garments and this trade is rapidly progressing and modernizing. If we stand this trade is international market than we need new technology & for this reason the international apparel & technology fair Garmentech is held.”

More than 250 exhibitors of 30 leading Garments Technology manufacturing countries all over the world will attend with their latest technology related with sewing, knitting, Embroidery, Laundry, Finishing, Dyeing, Cutting Machines, CAD/CAM and leading Accessories and Support services sector.

The main objective to organize this fair is to provide the Bangladesh garment industry a form to develop new alternate sources of suppliers, make new contacts and to discover and capitalize on the new opportunities that will be brought to the industry by means of this trade fair.

It's a perfect meeting place for buyer and seller related with garments sector. Producer, exporter & importer of world famous garments machinery from USA, Europe, Canada, China, Japan, Germany, Italy, India, Korea will participate in the trade show which had already been conformed to the organizer.

This technology fair for the first time can accommodate more than 250 exhibitors, all leading names in the respective field under one roof, making it the largest technology trade fair in Bangladesh beating out own record.

At the 7th edition of ZAK Garmentech Bangladesh in 2008 had world's leading technology players and attracted over 20000 visitors related with ready made garments and textile industry from Bangladesh, India, China, Korea, Pakistan, Europe, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, Honking, Sri-Lanka, Malaysia and many other countries participate with their technology & products.

It is not only helpful to create public awareness but also helpful to create new opportunities for our Garments sector with a great tune to protect our Garments and Textile Industry since 2002 ZAK Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. are continuing to organize such a trade show.

GARMEN-TECH CONCLAVE: Unveiling the Tech Directions, 14th, January 2009, Media Centre, BCFC Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Garmen-Tech Conclave is a platform which will unveil the TECH directions for the future. Conceived and executed by GarKnit World,- a journal on the garment and knitting technology, this arena provides a synopsis of what’s in store for the industry in terms of technology, products & services.

At Garmen-Tech Conclave, will be A/V presentations, interactions, technical information and panel discussions by leading global technology providers on what is the latest from them in terms of technology, innovation and eminent experts will speak on the press concerning for the industry and try to provide solutions to the problems faced by the industry in the area of quality and productivity.

At pre-identified slots technical personnel will be making presentations to a group Explaining about their products, technology, services and subsequently inviting them over to their booth for further detailed interaction or live demonstration. So far leading technology players like Juki, Naomoto, Viet have confirmed their presence at the conclave.

The emphasis of the Garmen-Tech Conclave is educate and update professionals in the apparel and knitting industry on the latest in apparel making & Knitting & Embroidery, Finishing & Laundry, CAD/CAM industry.


Unknown May 14, 2013 at 2:44 AM  

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